Background and scope
The study Exploring Digital Government Transformation: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society, also known as DigiGov, was conceived in line with the orientations of the JRC2030 strategy and the Work Programme of the ELISE Action of the ISA2 Programme. It aimed to contribute to providing evidence and indications on how to shape the future research agenda and policy development in the field of Digital Government and public sector innovation in the EU.
The research aimed to understand better how innovation in the public sector, enabled by digital technologies, can transform governance systems, especially in terms of new approaches to use geospatial/location data for policy design and service delivery, so that governments can better address systemic problems.
Outcomes of the research
1. Analysis of the state of the art and review of literature:
- this report depicts the variety of existing conceptualisations and definitions of the digital government phenomenon, measured and expected effects of the application of more disruptive innovations and emerging technologies in government, as well as key drivers and barriers for transforming the public sector. [Get the report here]
- Exploring Digital Government Transformation: a literature review [Access the research article]
2. Conceptual framework and empirical case studies:
this report outlines the final proposal of a conceptual framework for assessing impacts of Digital Government transformation (DigiGov F 2.0). It defines the dimensions and elements of analysis for assessing the effects that can be generated by digital innovation in the public sector and the impacts they have at social, economic and political levels in different policy-cycle phases and governance contexts. [Get the report here]
3. Final Report and Policy Recommendations
this report presents the final results of the research “Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society”. After introducing the design and methodology of the study, the report provides a summary of the findings of the state of the art in the field and provides an overview of the findings of the empirical case studies conducted.Finally, it outlines future research and policy recommendations and the depiction of possible scenarios for future Digital Government Transformation. [Get the report here]
4. Expert Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement
this report provides an overview of the main activities of the expert consultation and stakeholder engagement conducted as part of the JRC research on DigiGov. [Get the report here]
5. Science for Policy brief: Digital Government Transformation in the EU
This policy brief summarises the JRC research on ‘Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society’. [Get it here]
Additional information
Scientific & Technical Lead: Gianluca Misuraca
The DigiGov Online Community is a restricted and secured virtual space dedicated to discuss the DigiGov research activities, managed by the contractor on behalf of JRC. To join access: https://dgov.eu/digigov/

ELISE webinar: Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU - DIGIGOV
Report: Exploring Digital Government transformation in the EU
Report: Assessing the impacts of digital government transformation in the EU - Conceptual framework and empirical case studies

DIGIGOV at the next ISA2 Committee on 16th June 2020