ELISE studies explore the role of location information in digital government and the technologies involved in delivering innovative public services. They include use cases from different member states to illustrate the topic under consideration and highlight best practices.
These studies also aim to assess enablers and barriers of geospatial interoperability, examining:
- assessing the implications of relevant policies (e.g. PSI, GDPR),
- and investigating disruptive technological developments for publishing, finding and using location data, addressing topics such as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Find next, the list of studies carried out by ELISE :
This study explores the context in which geospatial data is used for service and product creation across Europe, aims to identify the main actors associated with the sharing and reuse of geospatial data, analyse the barriers faced by them when working with geospatial data, and finally, to identify the opportunities associated with the wider sharing and reuse of geospatial data. [read more]
ELISE is studying how governments are being transformed in the digital era. To do so, it is looking into specific technological areas, such as digital platforms, APIs and blockchains. These studies additionally, are evaluating the impacts on interoperability matters as well as the role of location on these technological environments. [read more]
The current studies done on this topic are:
is study explores the context in which geospatial data is used for service and product creation across Europe, aims to identify the main actors associated with the sharing and reuse of geospatial data, analyse the barriers faced by them when working with geospatial data, and finally, to identify the opportunities associated with the wider sharing and reuse of geospatial data. [read more]
The study Exploring Digital Government Transformation: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society, also known as DigiGov, was conceived in line with the orientations of the JRC2030 strategy and the Work Programme of the ELISE Action of the ISA2 Programme of DIGIT, to contribute to provide evidence and indications on how to shape the future research agenda and policy development in the field of Digital Government and public sector innovation in the EU. [read more]
The goal of this guidance document is twofold: to outline the key obligations that public administrations should comply with when handling personal location data and raising awareness about the importance of location data privacy, highlighting key implications and risks associated with the processing of location data. It does so by guiding the reader through concrete scenarios that public administrations might face when processing personal location data and provides a set of effective and practical recommendations that can help ensure the adequate protection of personal location data. [read more]
The objective of this project, in collaboration with DG Mobility and Transport, is to understand how INSPIRE relates with standards used in the transport domain: Transmodel/NeTEx for public transport, TAP-TSI and RINF for rail, IATA for air and DATEX for road and identify the possible overlaps. The final outcome of the work will be the formulation of recommendations to the Member States on the usage of standards for the different data categories in scope, to facilitate the implementation of the delegated regulation, while taking into account the INSPIRE obligations. [read more]
The study "The role of Spatial Data Infrastructures in the Digital Government Transformation of Public Administrations", is a first attempt to examine this relationship and develop a methodology for apprehending the role of SDIs in the Digital Transformation of the public sector. [read more]
This study has a twofold scope. Firstly, it provides an overall picture of the data-sharing approaches that can be found within metadata accessible through the INSPIRE Geoportal. Secondly, it highlights the user barriers to data-sharing by analysing this metadata, together with some possible solutions to reduce them. [read more]
A study on the landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public sector has assessed 100 cases to examine the impact and added value of AI. A related study explores the linkages between AI and data governance in selected cases. [read more]
This study shows how Digital Transformation of Government can leverage Location Intelligence in several ways. It also showcases four different real case studies that use location intelligence (often combined with Artificial intelligence) to support the digital transformation of government.[read more]
The purpose of this activity is to identify and analyse a set of successful data ecosystems and to come up with a set of recommendations in support of the evolution of contemporary Spatial Data Infrastructures in line with the recently published European strategy for data. [read more]
This activity also known as API4INSPIRE aims to investigate new developments in geospatial standards and technologies, foremost the new OGC API – Features and OGC SensorThings API, together with the outcomes of the INSPIRE MIG Action 2017.2 on alternative encodings for INSPIRE data.[read more]
The study Leveraging the power of location information and technologies to improve Public Services at Local Level – an EU-wide analysis was launched with the aim to explore and better understand how location data and technologies can help to deliver better public services at the local and regional levels, creating value for citizens, businesses and governments alike [read more]
This study helps to understand, through an extensive use of sandboxing, the policy implications of different governance approaches, business models and opportunities for the development and various uses of sub-national (regional and local) data ecosystems and digital twins - together with their implications on public sector innovation.[read more]
Framework analysing Smart Spaces through the identification of opportunities and barriers of (location) data and technology, interoperability anticipating emerging market demands, and the derived recommendations for improving the status quo – especially for required actions of the public sector. [read more]
The European strategy for data frames Europe’s digital transformation of the economy and society by establishing a common European data space based on domain-specific data spaces in strategic sectors such as environment, agriculture, industry, health and transportation. Acknowledging the key role that emerging technologies and innovative approaches for data sharing and use can play to make European data spaces a reality, the recently released JRC Technical report presents a set of experiments that explore emerging technologies and tools for data-driven innovation and also deepen in the socio-technical factors and forces that occur in data-driven innovation. Experimental results shed some light on lessons learned and practical recommendations towards establishing European data spaces. [read more]
Knowledge, such as technical resources, training, skills, and frequently asked questions, should be managed in a way that is easily accessible to the users and shared with new recipients. Through the following semantic resources, we explored and tested techniques of highly reusable metadata or reference data that enable organizations, devices, and people to work in cooperation.