Solutions help you create European digital services. Solutions includes software, services, core vocabularies, architecture, frameworks, guidelines, licence, specifications and standards.
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Software Solutions
Software to install or services designed to build European digital pubic services.

Other solutions
Core vocabularies, architecture, frameworks, OSS licence, specifications, standards and e-learning.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Before proposing your solution on Joinup, you should check its compliance with the platform’s eligibility criteria. If your solution is eligible, the next step is to locate a suitable Collection in which to create and propose your solution -- Joinup Collections are thematic spaces where you can collaborate with others that share the same interests around a certain domain. You can identify a relevant Collection via the Advanced Search page and finetune the results by using keywords and filters.
After selecting your Collection, follow this How-To article to create and manage your solution on Joinup.
The Joinup platform offers a unique tool for handling open source licences. The Joinup Licensing Assistant (JLA) enables copyright owners to quickly identify suitable licences for distributing their software or data, offers improved categorisation with direct links to each licence's SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) entry, allows the comparison of up to five licences, and keeps licence information always up-to-date.
Moreover, JLA's new feature -- the Compatibility Checker -- helps you verify that your "use" (or inbound) licences are compatible with your "distribute" (or outbound) licences. In case of conflicts, the Compatibility Checker will assist you in tackling the requirements imposed by the conflicting licences by identifying compatible options.
You can submit your legal-/licence-related questions to Joinup's Legal Support Expert by clicking on the “Contact Joinup Support” link, located in the footer area on every Joinup web page, and selecting in the "Category" drop-down field the value "Legal issue".