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Introducing CAMSS: An overview of the context, purpose and benefits of the CAMSS solutions

The webinar "Introducing CAMSS: An overview of the context, purpose, and benefits of the CAMSS solutions," held on 09/11/2023, provides a comprehensive introduction to the Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS). Find below a summary of the key points covered:

  • CAMSS stands for Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications, designed to assess and select standards and specifications for digital public services in Europe.
  • The session kicks off a webinar series aimed at disseminating knowledge about CAMSS.
  • The agenda includes 1) the context of the CAMSS creation, 2) the purpose of the CAMSS initiative, 3) CAMSS different solutions developed and maintained, and 4) how CAMSS supports interoperability.

ELIS Webinar

The webinar titled "ELIS: The EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications" held on 13/12/2023, provides an in-depth exploration of the ELIS (EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications) and its role in supporting interoperability for digital public services within the European Union. Find below a summary of the key points covered:

  • ELIS is part of the CAMSS (Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications) initiative, focusing on interoperability standards and specifications for digital public services in Europe.
  • The agenda includes 1) an introduction to the ELIS environment and related solutions, 2) a detailed explanation of what ELIS is, what it entails and how to use it, and 3) how ELIS supports interoperability.

ELAP Webinar

The webinar titled "ELAP: The European Library of Architecture Principles" held on 07/02/2024, delves into ELIS (European Library of Architecture Principles) and its Validator, from their key concepts to their practical demonstrations. Find below a summary of the key points covered:

  • ELAP establishes the principles and framework to ensure interoperability at the European level. This library also establishes requirements and business processes to enable interoperability between public services.
  • The agenda includes 1) an introduction to the ELAP environment, 2) a detailed explanation of what ELAP and its Validator are, and 3) a demonstration of ELAP and its Validator in practice.

CAMSS Interoperable Europe Academy Course

In our efforts to bring the CAMSS action to a wider audiences, we have crafted an introductory eLearning course hosted by the Interoperable Europe Academy. The course, targeted to IT professionals in public administrations, eGovernment and public sector Project Managers, or professionals involved in developing, implementing, or managing eGovernment solutions, among other professional profiles. 

The course introduces the Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS), an action for assessing standards and specifications and helping its inclusion within eGovernment projects. It is divided in several sections, starting with an introduction to what CAMSS is and why it is key to achieve interoperability in the field of ICT. This is followed by a deep dive into the CAMSS core elements: Solutions and Assets. Finally, you will discover how CAMSS supports the Interoperable Europe Act.