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ELISE - European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government glossary



Directory of instances of a class or classes of features containing some information regarding position

Source: International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 19112:2019 Geographic information — Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers.

General Data Protection Regulation
German Insurance Association
Belgian Generic GIS for e-government
Group on Earth Observations
Data with a direct or indirect reference to a specific location or geographical area (cf. the legal definition in the INSPIRE directive, Directive 2007/2/EC). This term can be interchanged with location data, geospatial data or geodata.
Data Catalogue vocabulary (DCAT) Application Profile extension for describing geospatial datasets, dataset series, and services.

GeoAI, is the use of artificial intelligence methods, including machine learning and deep learning, to produce knowledge through the analysis of spatial data and imagery. Positioning technologies are being positively affected by AI, affecting industries such as logistics and navigation systems (ex: processing millions of GPS points in (near)real-time).

Data with a direct or indirect reference to a specific location or geographical area (cf. the legal definition in the INSPIRE directive, Directive 2007/2/EC). This term can be interchanged with location data, geospatial data or geodata.
Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology
Geographic information or geospatial information
Geographic information system or geospatial information system

A list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with their definitions

ELISE Resources: ELISE Webinar: Improving knowledge transfer across organisations by knowledge graph

Geography Markup Language

Defines the decision rights and accountabilities empowering the set of rules concerning who gets to participate in the platform and its ecosystem, how to divide the value, and how to resolve conflicts.

Government as a Platform (GaaP) presents a new way of building digital public services using a collaborative development model by a community of partners, providers and citizens to share and enhance digital public processes and capabilities, or to extend them for the benefit of society.
Geospatial Rights Management