ELISE - European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government glossary
Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements
Totality of characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs, in accordance with EN ISO 19101
Public bodies delivering or obtaining information for the purposes of a public task.
Sometime involves exchange of data.
Source: Janssen, K. (2010). The Availability of Spatial and Environmental Data in the European Union. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-90-411-3287-1
ELISE Resources: INSPIRE Data and service sharing
Best practice domain relevant to the effective use of location information in policy and digital public services. The focus areas identified in the EULF Vision and adapted in the EULF Blueprint are: Policy and Strategy Alignment, Digital Government Integration, Standardisation and Reuse, Return on Investment, Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities.
Quantitative measurement of the performance / practice of an organisation or entity. In the context of the LIFO, the indicators evaluate the degree of alignment of the practices implemented by Member States to the EULF Blueprint recommendations.
EULF location interoperability best practices in the EULF Blueprint focus areas.
Use of information for commercial or non-commercial purposes outside the public task for which it was collected.
Often has an economic goal and involves manipulation or analysis.
ELISE Resources: INSPIRE Data and service sharing