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Member for: 9 years


External Consultant

Country of origin:



European Commission, Joint Research Centre


European Policies eGovernment Geospatial
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: 3D City Models to Predict Energy Heat Demand

Energy and environmentEnergy and environment+7 topics
Last update: 02/07/2021

Presentation: Digital platform for the smart management of infrastructures - the public lighting case

Energy and environmentGeospatial+9 topics
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Digital platform for the smart management of infrastructures - the public lighting case

Energy and environmentGeospatial+5 topics
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Emerging Trends & Technologies

GeospatialICT+3 topics
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Interoperable Frameworks and Solutions for cross-border and cross-sector services

GeospatialScience and technology+2 topics
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Supporting Policy Initiatives

GeospatialScience and technologyCollaboration
Virtual event

DigitALL Public Conference Workshop: ELISE enabling the interoperability of digital government from a location perspective
