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Member for: 9 years


External Consultant

Country of origin:



European Commission, Joint Research Centre


European Policies eGovernment Geospatial
Last update: 13/01/2022

Presentation: Location Interoperability – Lessons learnt. Where next? ELISE session at the INSPIRE Conference 2021

Energy and environmentGeospatial+6 topics
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Emerging Approaches for Data-Driven Innovation in Europe

GeospatialICT+5 topics
Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Location Interoperability State of Play – Results of a Europewide Maturity Assessment

GeospatialStandardisation+4 topics
Virtual event

ELISE webinar: Improving the use of location intelligence in Smart Spaces

GeospatialICT+7 topics
Last update: 15/02/2024

Interoperable Europe

CollaborationEuropean Policies
Virtual event

ELISE@INSPIRE Conference: Location Interoperability - Lessons learnt. Where next?

Virtual event

Participatory Lab on 'How innovation in location services and data ecosystems can help transform your city and region'

Virtual event

ELISE Webinar: Data-driven methodology for electricity characterisation of districts

Energy and environmentGeospatial+7 topics