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The impact study on DT adoption by PAs is the 3rd step in the responsible adoption of DTs by PAs. It benefits from the data collected during the identification of needs and the market analysis, as it aims to understand how the adoption of a specific DT may have an impact on addressing the specific needs.
Hence, the impact study is a cause-consequence analysis that will provide PAs with answers to what would happen if they adopted a certain DT. In the case of ETAPAS solutions, the impact analysis should focus on the ethical, legal, and social impacts, and it should consider internal and external scenarios under the logic of “if – then”.
To do so, involved roles shall rely on a quantitative and qualitative data collection that allows for a sensitivity analysis containing the key assumptions and a clear definition of the KPIs for the achievement of the intended objective.
Roles involved at this stage | Activity to be carried out | ETAPAS tools that can support the activity |
Research team | Perform the sensitivity analysis and create a report. | |
Data experts | Data collection and analysis; weight the impacts. | |
Specific expert of the DT adopted | Provide inputs to known impacts of the DT adopted. | |
IELCAD | Oversee the degree of ethical, legal and security issues based on the impacts. | Code of Conduct; Legal assessment. |
Process coordinator | Ensure that the plan and objectives underlined by the project manager are being considered and performed accordingly. |
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User Journey | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 | Step 11 | Step 12 |