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1. Identification of needs

ETAPAS User Journey's step 1

Published on: 27/10/2023 Last update: 30/11/2023 Document
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The identification of needs refers to the 1st step of the adoption and it aims at understanding public needs to which disruptive technologies may have a contribution.

Public administrators are the main actors in the government responsible for identifying and meeting demands arising from constituents. The identification of needs can be carried out through:

  •  Stakeholder engagement: include citizens, academia, organisations, businesses, and other government agencies in the definition and prioritisation of needs.
  • Data collection: collect and analyse available data or new data stemming from the different spheres of society.
  • Benchmarking: comparison with other similar regions in order to identify what areas are falling behind.

Many public administrations have been using AI-based technologies and applications for the identification and prioritisation of needs, as AI allows for better survey´s interpretation, translation, and other forms of interaction with citizens. Hence, if the PA is already familiar with this disruptive technology, it can be used from the beginning.

For further information, consult the stakeholder engagement guidelines for public administrators in the adoption of disruptive technologies.

Roles involved at this stageActivity to be carried outETAPAS tools that can support the activity
Responsible for stakeholder engagementDefinition of stakeholders impacted by the solutions and whose issues should be addressed; Definition of stakeholder engagement activities; Draft report with findings and next steps.Stakeholder engagement guidelines for public administrations in the adoption of disruptive technologies
Data expertsSearch and analysis of existing data, whether economic, social, environmental; Lead of benchmarking analysis if it is performed; Analysis of stakeholder engagement final report for data organisation; draft of a report with findings. 
Research teamSupport Data Experts 
Process ManagerDefine objectives and the scope of the adoption. 


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