The Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) is a vocabulary to describe interoperability assets making it possible for ICT developers to explore and search for interoperability assets.
1. What are the benefits of using the Asset Description Metadata Schema?
ADMS allows:
- Solution providers, such as standardisation organisations and public administrations, to describe their solutions and share the standardised metadata across platforms, thereby increasing the discoverability of the solutions;
- Content aggregators, such as Joinup, to aggregate such descriptions into a single point of access;
- ICT developers and researchers to more easily explore, find, identify, select and obtain interoperability solutions from a single point of access.
2. Who developed the solution?
Interoperable Europe has developed the ADMS for public administrations in an open process with the active involvement of the SEMIC action stakeholders including:
- The ADMS Working Group;
- the Directorate-General for Digital Services: DG DIGIT - in particular the SEMIC action of the Interoperable Europe programme.
3. How is the ADMS maintained?
The ADMS is maintained based on the Process and Methodology for Developing Core Vocabularies.
All changes in the specifications are discussed with the ADMS Working Group to make sure that changes do not negatively impact the operation of implementations and the interoperability across the network and are publicly communicated.
4. Asset Description Metadata Schema key milestones

- In February 2024 a revamped Version 2.00 was released based on a public review and ReSpec styling was applied to the specification. This version serves as the most up-to-date SEMIC recommendation.
- In June 2023 a new Version 2.00 of the ADMS specification was published on Joinup.
- In December 2015 the ISA Programme of the European Commission launched an activity to revise ADMS aiming to address requests for change coming from real-life implementation of the ADMS
- On 18 April 2012 Version 1.00 of the ADMS specification was released on Joinup
- ADMS was developed between October 2011 until April 2012
5. ADMS at one glance
6. Get started
Download the ADMS latest and previous releases.
Check metadata files for integrity and consistency against the ADMS specification with the ADMS Validator.
7. ADMS users
ADMS has been successfully implemented by:
- Joinup: This online platform provided by the European Commission hosts a collection of reusable interoperability solutions. It aims to help public administrations to offer modern, user-friendly and interoperable public services while reducing costs by reusing solutions which have already been developed. ADMS is used as the basis for organising and harmonising the descriptive metadata of these solutions. JoinUp provides all necessary information and releases to get started with ADMS, while itself powers the backend of the website.
- The FAIR Data Assessment Tool of EU F-UJI makes partial use of the ADMS as their knowledge base to indicate the FAIRness of certain data objects at the dataset level based on the FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics.
- Metadata Registry (MDR) of the EU Publications Office: ADMS-compliant RDF export for MDR Named Authority Lists. The registry registers and maintains the definition data (metadata elements, named authority lists, schemas, etc.). These are used by the different European Institutions involved in the legislative process and by the Publications Office of the EU in its production and dissemination process.
- ADMS export feature for XRepository: The XRepository of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior supports the processes of development and distribution of standards.
- Italy has created its own ADMS-AP_IT to facilitate the description of reusable solutions in Italy. The Netherlands have also included ADMS in the National Linked Data Standard Registry with the same intention.
8. Get involved!
Do you want to participate in the work of our ADMS Working Group? Share your comments and change requests via GitHub ADMS repository.
9. Any questions?
Contact the SEMIC team.
10. About SEMIC
Visit the SEMIC collection on Joinup.