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The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) enables the implementation of a data-centric approach in the aeronautical information domain, which was traditionally paper based. AIXM supports digital aeronautical information collection, transformation and dissemination throughout the complete data chain. AIXM has two main components:
The AIXM Logical Data Model: a UML representation of the information items that are necessary for air navigation, for the provision of air traffic services and other aeronautical purposes. A series of UML class diagrams describe the features, their associations, attributes and lists of values. Therefore, it can be used as the logical basis for aeronautical information databases;
The AIXM XML Schema: a digital encoding format for the aeronautical data described by the UML model. The latest AIXM version 5.1 XML Schema is also compliant with the Geography Markup Language (GML) standard (ISO 19136). This schema is actually used for the provision of aeronautical data between interconnected systems.
AIXM is a joint development of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and the United States Federeal Aviation Adminstration (FAA), with the support of the international AIM community.
Today, Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) involves information flows that are increasingly complex and made up of interconnected systems. The flows involve many actors including multiple suppliers and consumers. Throughout, AIM must ensure the quality of the aeronautical information required by modern air navigation & ATC systems, the efficiency & cost effectiveness of the system and real time information.
Therefore, the AIM data source is crucial. The aeronautical information stored in the data source must be modelled in accordance with aviation requirements. Static and temporary data must be managed seamlessly. The data must be capable of exchange between different systems.
The AIXM UML Logical Model, the XML schema, and other supporting documentation can be downloaded from the AIXM web site.
• http://www.aixm.aero/public/standard_page/download.html
To know more:
• Website: http://www.aixm.aero (includes access to an AIXM Forum)
• Wiki: http://www.aixm.aero/wiki
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