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Observatories are monitoring tools, designed to gather information on the state of play of digital public administration and interoperability activities. These observatories, such as NIFO for national interoperability frameworks, OSOR for Open-source sofware and Public Sector Tech Watch for emerging technologies enable stakeholders to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in digital public services.

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Last update: 24/08/2023

Knowledge Centre

Welcome to NIFO's Knowledge Centre! The content accessible through this page is periodically updated. The Knowledge Centre gives you access to all the information and resources published by NIFO which...
Last update: 15/10/2024

Public Sector Tech Watch

Public Sector Tech Watch provides insights into emerging technologies in the European public sector, such as artificial intelligence and blockchains.
Digital innovationObservatories+2 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024

LIFO - Location Interoperability Framework Observatory

LIFO monitors the implementation of location interoperability in EU public services, based on EULF Blueprint adoption. It provides analyses, best practices, guidance, and features interactive dashboards and case studies. It is an EC solution.
Last update: 13/02/2024

European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Toolbox

The EIF Toolbox guides national administrations to align their National Interoperability Frameworks with the EIF for enhanced interoperability. It includes a list of solutions. It is an EC solution.


Last update: 23/01/2025

Open Source at the service of Open Science

On 24 September 2024, the University of Zagreb adopted its Open Science Policy which effectively followed up international and EU principles on Open Science and considers open source as a key tool in its implementation.
Culture and educationScience and technology+3 topics
Last update: 23/01/2025

Season's Greetings from AccessibleEU

The AccessibleEU Centre extends warm holiday wishes and reflects on a year of progress in accessibility efforts across Europe.
CollaborationeInclusion+2 topics

Latest News

Last update: 14/01/2025

Become a member of the informal expert group on the next EIF

The European Commission has launched a call for expressions of interest to select members for the informal expert group on the Next Generation European Interoperability Framework (EIF).
CollaborationeGovernment+8 topics
Last update: 23/10/2024

Interoperable Use Cases that Leverage the Portal’s Resources

The article highlights three practical use cases – retrieved from the Public Sector Tech Watch observatory – that leverage on existing solutions and tools hosted on the Portal, which can be an inspiration best practices for the community