[1] From:
Based on feedback from public sector organizations we have thrown in these extra properties for the dataset class:
- Described by - URL(s) to the data dictionary for the dataset.
- Described ByType - The machine-readable file format (IANA Media Type) of the dataset's Data Dictionary
[2] From:
In our case, we act both as consumers of metadata that describe distributions of datasets in formats other than RDF and as metadata publishers of the dataset's RDF distribution. On consumption level we are interested in using a dataset's metadata to acquire all the information required to retrieve the dataset and access its content. Additionally, we need to know how we can access its content and that depends on the data's structure/format (e.g. access the content of an XML file using XPath expressions). On publishing level we publish the metadata of the dataset's distribution in RDF and thus we aim to generate RDF datasets with metadata that comply with the DCAT-AP.
[3] From:
Provide a mechanism to express whether the distribution is a downloadable URL, a protocol following according to the principles of REST, a Web service. There should be a way to point to a a formal specification of the protocol, e.g. via WSDL, WADL, SMD, Swagger, RAML.
Proposed solution
Design approach to include reference to schema of the Dataset/Distribution
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