While a Dataset can have a dct:Language property ("This property can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset"), it seems that the Distribution cannot.
It would be useful to also have a dct:Language on Distribution: our statistics department, for instance, publishes spreadsheets in both Dutch and French, the only difference between them being the (translated) name of the columns. I would consider these files to be two Distributions of the same Dataset, and would like to be able to tell the difference without having to create two Datasets or to make ambiguous assumptions (like: if the dct:title only has a @fr, assume the dataset is also in FR, and never translate the Distribution title in other languages)
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Interestingly, this is exactly the recommendation that DCAT makes. In the Usage note for dct:language at http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/#Property:dataset_language:
Indeed :-) So propably the W3C DCAT editor's just forgot to add the property to the formal description of dcat:Distribution, since it's not mentioned in http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/#class-distribution