What is the Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary?
The CSSV is the vocabulary used for the information exchange related to standards and specifications amongst software solutions, and it is the key element for the development of the new release of the EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications (ELIS).
What are the benefits of using the Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary?
The Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary reuses common vocabularies on the definition of core vocabularies, which enables and fosters the interoperability of systems using the vocabulary. Moreover, as a core vocabulary, it can be extended to further represent the needs of specific domains.
The use of CSSV can help and improve the interoperability of systems and software solutions when exchanging information related to standards and specifications.
Get started
Download the Core Standarads and Specifications Vocabulary latest and previous releases.
Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary key milestones
The content of the CSSV has been updated and published v1.2.0 in 2022.
In 2021, the version 1.1.0 of the CSSV was published.
The release of the version 1.0.0 was launched early in 2020.
A public consultation was performed in 2019 for the improvement of CSSV and development of the version 1.0.0.
The beta version of the Vocabulary was used as the basis for the development of the first beta version of the EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications (ELIS).
Get involved!
Do you want to participate in the work of our Core Vocabularies Working Group? Share your comments and change requests via the GitHub Core Standards and Specifications Vocabulary.