What is the Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP)?
CPSV-AP is a reusable and extensible data model for harmonising the way public services are described in a machine-readable format. It captures fundamental characteristics of a public service, such as the name, description, competent public organisation, output, etc.
The CPSV-AP includes the cardinality and data type of the properties, while specifying mandatory and optional elements to be used, and includes recommendations for controlled vocabularies as well.
What are the benefits of using the Core Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP)?
CPSV-AP benefits public administrations, businesses and citizens. The model harmonises public services (information) stored in different local, regional and national information sources, allowing the information to be searched and shared easily within and across public administrations all over Europe. This improves efficiency within public administrations and lowers the administrative burden for businesses and citizens who want to access public services (information).
Get started
Visit the CPSV-AP solution space and download the latest release.
CPSV-AP key milestones
- In May 2022, CPSV-AP v3.0.0 was released following two webinars with the Working Group members and analysis of the feedback received on version 2.2.1. The new major revision increases the alignment with the Core Vocabularies and gives further flexibility to users to implement the specification.
- CPSV-AP v2.2.1 was released in 2019. It is a small release reconciling bugs between the different distributions of the core vocabulary.
- CPSV-AP v2.0 has been reviewed by the Working Group Members, leading to publication of CPSV-AP v2.1 and subsequent versions v2.2 and v2.2.1. It is based on the experience of implementing the previous versions by different member states (MSs) and stakeholders and consequent requests received.
- In 2016 the scope of the data model was progressively extended to cover any type of public services.
- CPSV-AP version 1.00 was published in 2014, focussed on the description of public services and business events on the Points of Single Contact.
Implementation model based on CPSV-AP
- In 2022, two webinars were hosted to discuss the information needed by Member States and how the YourEurope portal could display this information. This was part of a pilot putting in practice with several Member States the SDG Search Service Model.
- The first version of the SDG Search Service Model was released in 2021. It models the information requirements from the Single Digital Gateway Regulation by identifying concepts that could be harmonized to improve the findability, understandability and quality requirements related to information on rights, obligations and rules, on procedures and on assistance and problem-solving services (articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Regulation).
- This work is based on the archived SDG Service Model that has been used as extensive referral and guidance. The different SDG Service models are based on CPSV-AP.
Get involved!
Contribute to CPSV-AP by sharing comments and changing requests via the GitHub CPSV-AP repository.