RAMON, Eurostat's metadata server, covers the main international statistical classifications which form the basis for data collection, compilation and dissemination in every area of statistics. They provide standardised concepts used to describe phenomena such as economic activity, products, expenditures, occupation or health. They are necessary to consistently measure these phenomena within and across countries and geographical regions. International reference classifications set standards for internationally comparable classifications, which in turn serve as models for the development of corresponding national and regional statistical classifications.
The RAMON server is not limited to EU classifications; it also lists the main international framework classifications maintained by the main international producers of official statistics, such as the United Nations Statistics Division. The classifications are available in all languages in which they are made available by their custodians (e.g. 26 languages for the European Statistical System (ESS) reference classification for economic activities (NACE), and are often accompanied by various additional resources (methodological manual, explanatory notes, etc.).
Examples of EU classifications stored in this server :
- NACE : Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community
- CPA : Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Community
- NUTS : Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics
- CN : Combined Nomenclature (external trade)
- PRODCOM : List of PRODucts of the European COMmunity (EU production statistics for Mining, Quarrying and Manufacturing)
Other classifications cover the main standards used by other international organisations such as the United Nations Statistics Division, the International Labour Organisation, the World Customs Organisation, etc.
Link to resource (access is free of charge)
General information about international statistical classifications