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Reusable board game toolkit: Adapt the game to any topic and transfer knowledge by playing

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Create synergies across different domains and make an impact on your organisation through the reusable game kit.

collage game

By playing a game, public administrators can learn and experiment a set of anticipated challenges to answer during the development of a game.

The reusable game Kit offers a set of ingredients and conditions to transfer knowledge between public administrations and organisations.


The following materials and instructions allow to reuse the game into another type of content:

  • Boardgame: Divided into 6 categories that will be assigned to each player/team. Each category has 6 placeholders tokens for geoswapping.
  • Category booklets: 6 category booklets with 12 questions and 1 insight per question.
  • Insight cards :72 cards, 12 questions per category (4 questions per difficulty level)
  • Tokens: 36 tokens, 6 colours.
  • Rulebook: Contains all the rules to start playing the game and secondary information to consult during the game.
  • Content Spreadsheet: Contains all questions, answers and insights that comprise the game content.
  • Printing manual: Contains all instructions to print and distribute the game and materials.
  • Feedback template: After the game players should submit it to establish a communication channel.
  • Fonts: Use this set of fonts to integrate your texts into the game graphic design.

Step-by-Step Mechanics:

Each player (or team of players) takes a turn to challenge other categories in order to geoswap and acquire tokens. The main goal is to acquire the 5 tokens of the other categories by geoswapping (answering questions correctly).


Reusability checklist:

  1. First, you should study the game mechanics and understand if they can fulfil your knowledge transfer needs.
  2. If this is the case, select a game topic that will be the subject of the transfer of knowledge through a gamified experience. It should be a broad enough topic to be useful for players to engage with and apply it in their daily work.
  3. Find the best way to split the content into 6 subtopics to form the categories of the game. These categories should all be related to the main topic in a mutually exclusive way (i.e., the categories should not overlap each other).
  4. Identify 12 multiple choice questions for each category with answers corresponding to these questions (at least one of them should be the correct answer). This information should be introduced in the Content Spreadsheet.
  5. You should also identify 1 insight per question to make up the insight card deck. Insights should help players learn about the topic and hint towards the right answers that players ask each other.
  6. Play the game with the new content and iterate based on the results you gathered from players.
  7. That’s it! 

We hope that you have managed to get to this part and were successful in reusing the toolkit. If you need help, reach the European Commission's Joint Research Center. Have fun :)