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Presentation: Improving knowledge transfer across organisations by knowledge graphs

ELISE Webinar: Improving knowledge transfer across organisations by knowledge graphs

Published on: 30/03/2022 Last update: 04/05/2022 Document

In this webinar,moderated by Simon Vrečar, external consultant at European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Danny Vandenbroucke and Marc Olijslagers from KU Leuven together with guest speakers Oscar Corcho from Universidad Politechnica de Madrid and André Skupin from BigKnowledge coverede the following topics.

  • Introducing the ELISE universe: what is it,  and how can you explore it?
  • Key concepts explained: ELISE concepts and resources; Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer; Semantic Web and Semantic Assets;...
  • Introducing Knowledge Graphs and their usage in the context of Digital Government Transformation. Zooming in on a Case Study: the City of Zaragoza.
  • How to manage key concepts in a glossary or vocabulary and link them to other glossaries and vocabularies?
  • Knowledge Graphs for the ELISE Universe: how to create, exploit and analyse them? Including a short demo on how to exploit Knowledge Graphs.
  • Key take away messages and future outlook: zooming in on how to discover new Technological Trends by the semantic web.

In the discussion part

shared their views and comments on the topic

If you would like to find out more about the research and the report visit  dedicated topic(COMING SOON) page.


Slides and recording

Check out the recording and supporting slides of the session.

If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Webinars you can find further information here


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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)

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