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EIF Perspective attributes of eTranslation

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: CEF Digital


The CEF eTranslation Building Block is a machine translation tool that helps public administrations and businesses exchange information and documents across all official EU languages, Icelandic and Norwegian. 

Public administrations, citizens and businesses in the EU will thus be able to benefit from digital services in the language of their choice. 

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Common services
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The eTranslation implements the following:


Conceptual model

eTranslation implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 16 | Multilingualism

    eTranslation can be integrated into your information systems to make digital public services and content multilingual. 

  • Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability

    The CEF eTranslation building block encourages community driven development and updates of standards, hence involving a wide range of stakeholders in its maintenance and development. 

  • Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability

    The CEF eTranslation building block is based on open specifications and standards. 

  • Recommendation 37 | Base registries

    eTranslation helps to make information available in different languages whilst ensuring data security and confidentiality. 

  • Recommendation 42 | Open data

    eTranslation helps to ensure publication of data in machine readable, non-proprietary formats.