Which learning needs do you have when it comes to formulating better legislation?
The DRPM team has identified several learning needs to foster better legislation in a digital world, based on the three main segments that are part of our ecosystem:

Consult our Knowledge centre to learn more about the DRPM training and to find further training material.
We want your feedback!
Do these needs resonate with your practice?
Do you have any other learning needs?
Do you know any other relevant learning material?
Share your feedback in comments below!
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I would like to expand my knowledge in the following areas
- What is the relationship between EIF legal layer and Interoperability governance and Integrated public service governance?
- What is the relationship between legal layer and other layers of interoperability (organizational, semantic, technical)?
- What are the relationships between objects contained in legal layer and other EIRA layers?
Legislation digital check
- In the context o EIF Recommendation #27: Ensure that legislation is screened by means of ‘interoperability checks’, to identify any barriers to interoperability. When drafting legislation to establish a European public service, seek to make it consistent with relevant legislation, perform a ‘digital check’ and consider data protection requirements.
- What are the best practices on how to perform a "digital check" Identification of legal interoperability barriers.
Interoperability principles
- Should interoperability principles be part of legal regulations?
Digital policy making in the context of legal interoperability:
- Best practices, models, procesess, templates to re-use
- How to design policies and legal acts that can be effectively implemented?
Asessment of legal interoperability
- on the level of National Interoperability Framework impementation
- on the level of public digital service
Kind regards,
Michał Bukowski
Dear BLSI team,
I think you have some very good and relevant topics covered already, and look forward to seeing the learning hub developing!
An additional topic you could consider to address is linked to awareness raising and ownership. How do we raise awareness on the need to write legislation in a new way, and how do we create ownership around the idea of making digital ready legislation also in sectors not directly working on digital policies? I often see collegaues in other policy areas not realising that this is relevant also to them.
I look forward to the breakfast meeting tomorrow!
Kind regards,
Astrid Solhaug
Norwegian Resource Centre for Sharing of Data
Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Dear Mihal and Astrid,
following up on your comments and our workshop we have updated the learning needs tree in our BLSI Learning Hub | Joinup (europa.eu). Our first demo-training is also now public. I will share the link later today.
Kind regards
Isa from the legal interoperability team