Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS) glossary
CAMSS provides a comprehensive method to assist the assessment of ICT standards and specifications. CAMSS provides a method, it does not itself select standards. The CAMSS method aims to achieve interoperability and avoiding vendor lock-ins. CAMSS criteria evaluate (among other things) the openness of standards and specifications.
The CAMSS Ontology is a formal description of knowledge as a set of concepts within the CAMSS domain and the axioms connecting its concepts and allowing for logic inferences
The Core Assessment Vocabulary represents and defines what an “Assessment” of “assets” is and how to perform the assessment based on “Criteria”. It is a domain-agnostic vocabulary, meaning that it can be used to assess any type of assets
Core Vocabularies are simplified, re-usable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of an entity in a context-neutral fashion. Public administrations can use and extend the Core Vocabularies in the following contexts: 1) Development of new systems, 2) Information exchange between systems, 3) Data integration, 4) Open data publishing.
CSSV is the vocabulary used for the information exchange related to standards and specifications amongst software solutions, as well as, it is the key element for the development of the new release of the EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications (ELIS)