This solution is dedicated to provide information on open source tools that ABR team created to support Member States (MS) in implementing the BRegDCAT-AP specification / data model.
Overview of tools relationships
Figure 1: Overview of tools relationships
The source code of the tools is provisionally available on GitHub here:
Click on each tool to be re-directed to a page dedicated to provide information on description, use-cases, deployment and adaptability or check each tool in the left menu of the page.
This tool will allow European public administrations to create their descriptions in an easy-to-use web form, and export these descriptions in BRegDCAT-AP compliant machine-readable formats to be stored locally on a computer.
By means of a user-friendly web form, public administrations will be able to describe their data descriptions following the BRegDCAT-AP only once, and allow sharing the descriptions of several portals by exporting these descriptions in interoperable machine-readable formats.
BREG DCAT Mapping Tool
This tool will allow European public administrations to map different data models used for describing data in base registries within their country to a common standard, being the BRegDCAT-AP, in order to ease the exchange of data between different catalogues. The tool will also allow public administrations to visualise and export the mapping in machine-readable formats, for instance XML and RDF. Public administrations could also compare different data models and visualise the mappings.
BREG DCAT Validator
By using this tool, public administrations will be able to check the compliance of their descriptions against the data requirements of the BRegDCAT-AP. This will allow them to get feedback on how to harmonise their descriptions by identifying and fixing inconsistencies, errors, missing mandatory information, etc., and will improve the quality of the data.
BREG DCAT Harvester
Instead of manually updating the descriptions owned by different competent authorities on multiple levels of administration (national, regional, local) on a central catalogue, the harvester will allow public administrations to get the data in a faster, more efficient and (semi-)automatic way. This will thus ease the creation of an integrated view on data in base registries provided within a specific country or region.
The source code of the tools is available on GitHub here: