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Member for: 9 years


Project Officer

Country of origin:



Joint Research Centre - European Commission


Geospatial ICT Collaboration eGovernment
Virtual event

ELISE webinar: Location Intelligence Technology trends and case studies in digital government

Last update: 04/04/2022

INSPIRE training platform

[Return the ELISE about page] What is it? The INSPIRE online training platform contains several training resources, both from the Commission and EEA and from research projects and other stakeholders...
Last update: 06/04/2022


[Return the ELISE studies] Background and scope This activity, also known as API4INSPIRE aims to investigate new developments in geospatial standards and technologies, foremost the new OGC API –...
Last update: 03/08/2021

Data Ecosystems for Geospatial Data

[Return the ELISE studies] Background and scope The purpose of this activity is to identify and analyse a set of successful data ecosystems and to come up with a set of recommendations in support of...
Last update: 17/02/2022

Report: Evolution of the access to spatial data for environmental purposes

Last update: 10/08/2021

ELISE Location Interoperability Workshop Pack

Last update: 04/04/2022

ELISE Location Interoperability Workshop Pack

Why a workshop pack? Who is it for? Objectives Design requirements Workshop composition Activities and building blocks Facilitator experience and focus: Recommended settings Tips and recommendations...
Virtual event

ELISE webinar: Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU - DIGIGOV

Science and technologyCollaboration+3 topics
Last update: 29/06/2021

New Re3gistry release

Open Source SoftwareStandardisationStandardisation
Last activity: 29/07/2020, 16:13

LIFO | Best Practice collection page

Last update: 22/07/2020

ELISE Energy and Location Applications presented at OGC-NRCan

Energy and environmentGeospatial
Last update: 03/08/2021

Location data privacy

[Return the ELISE studies] Background and scope Public administrations increasingly use location data, consciously or unconsciously, to carry out their activities, both for the delivery of public...