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Re3gistry reusers

Welcome to the Re3gistry Reusers' Section!

Here, we are compiling a comprehensive list of known instances where Re3gistry is being reused. If you are currently utilising Re3gistry or have incorporated registers into your systems, we would love to hear from you! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand the breadth of Re3gistry's usage and its impact on various applications and industries.

Why is this important?

Keeping track of uptake is relevant to both developers and promoters of the tool. It helps us prioritise efforts effectively and guides reusers in making informed decisions about incorporating Re3gistry into their workflows.

By showcasing real-world examples of Re3gistry's adoption, we aim to inspire others to explore its potential and discover how it can enhance their projects and initiatives.

How to be part of the list?

If you're interested in being featured or updating the details  in the list of reusers or have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know here: Re3gistry Discussion.

Also, remember that we have a survey running to capture particular aspects of how you use the software: Re3gistry Survey.

We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your success stories with the world!

Known instances

Instance and link to itOrganisationCountryVersion usedStatus
INSPIRE Registry​​European Commission​ European Commission2.0In production
​​ENIPI​​​ Registry systemMinistry of the Environment of the Slovak RepublicSlovakia0.4In production
​​Effective Management of Spatial Data and Services (ESPUS)​ Ministry of Environment of the Slovak RepublicSlovakia2.3.0In testing
​​NSDI registry​​​ ​​Agency for Real Estate Cadastre​ (Republic of North Macedonia​)Republic of North Macedonia0.xDismissed
​​Geosmartcity registry​ European CommissionEuropean Commission[N/A]Dismissed
​​ELISE Energy Pilot registry​ European CommissionEuropean Commission2.3.0In production
​​Austrian INSPIRE Registry​​​ Austrian INSPIRE Registry​ Austria2.3.0Online
Italian INSPIRE RegistryItalia INSPIRE RegistryItalia2.0.0Online
​​Finland INSPIRE RegistryNLS National Land Survey of FinlandFinland1.3.1Online
​​Spanish INSPIRE RegistrySpain INSPIRE Registry (IDEE)Spain1.3.1Online
​​Czech INSPIRE Registry​​Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre​ Czech Republic2.0Online
​​GDI-DE Registry​ Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy​ Germany1.xOnline
Private - Minerva intelligence​Minerva Intelligence Inc.​​[N/A][N/A]Dismissed
Wallonie GeoRegistry​​​​Service public ​of​ Wallonie​​​​​ (Belgium)Belgium1.xOnline
Re3gistry 2MetaregisterEuropean Commission2.0[N/A]
Geographic Item Registration SystemSpatial Data Infrastructure for the Capital DistrictRepublic of Colombia 2.0.0Online
Epsilon Italia RegistryEpsilon ItaliaItalia2.0.0Online
Geonovum Re3gistry2GeonovumNetherlands2.0.0Online
Geographic item registration system​​​​Colombian government​​​​​ Colombia2.0.0Online
Epsilon Italia RegistryEpsilon italiaItalia2.0.0Online


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