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New version of the EULF Blueprint publicly available!

EULF Blueprint Version 4 published

Published on: 24/09/2020 Last update: 15/12/2020 News Archived

New version of the EULF Blueprint

We have the pleasure to announce the version 4 of the European Union Location Framework Blueprint.

The European Union Location Framework Blueprint (EULF Blueprint) is a guidance framework for effective use of location information in digital government services.
The framework is divided into five focus areas, where a 'current state' assessment and 'future state' vision are outlined, and practical recommendations, 'how to' checklists, and best practice references are provided. To use the guidance, either scan the focus areas that interest you or follow the paths created for specific roles and activities.

This version includes among other changes: cross-references  between  the  EIF  and  EULF  Blueprint  recommendations; a refocusing of some of the recommendations to reflect  developments in European digital and  data  policy including data  ecosystems,  digital  platforms, location intelligence and technology-enabled innovation.

The European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint was initially developed in the European Union Location Framework (EULF) project in the ISA programme. The content has been updated and will be further maintained through the European Location Interoperability Solutions (ELISE) project, which is part of the ISA2 programme.

Check out the latest version of the EULF Blueprint

Watch the EULF Blueprint video


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