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new example

Published on: 25/04/2016 Discussion
Not properly an issue...
As noted, the Vocabulary should be simpler and flexible enough to be used outside the e-Procurement domain.
The Criteria - Evidence matching is part of Decision Making processes
Apart form the common Criteria framework, I have found the following example of a Decision Ontology 
It is inthe proposal form and there may be some issues there, but IMHO it is worth a look and the inclusion among the  examples:

The Decision ontology proposal…

and the Ontology pattern for the "Criterion" concept

The "Evidences" are resources that support the assessment of the effective fulfillment of a criterion by some Entity.
We can describe Evidences (resources) with Dublin core metadata and with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and based on a Criterion ontology it is not difficult to produce a simple model where evidences cover some Criterion fulfillment principle (completely or partially).






oriol (not verified) Fri, 18/11/2016 - 17:12
oriol (not verified) Fri, 18/11/2016 - 17:26

We will provide a RDF model.

Giovanni Paolo SELLITTO
Giovanni Paolo SELLITTO Fri, 18/11/2016 - 22:43

The issue was solved - you included this part in the specification:

The "Evidences" are resources that support the assessment of the effective fulfillment of a criterion by some Entity.   We can describe Evidences (resources) with Dublin core metadata and with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and based on a Criterion ontology it is not difficult to produce a simple model where evidences cover some Criterion fulfillment principle (completely or partially).     That suffices in my opinion.
oriol (not verified) Mon, 28/11/2016 - 09:55