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Adopt new elements in the ESPD

Portal Admin
Published on: 18/11/2016 Discussion
Add into the Criterion class required elements to allow for automatic evaluation of criteria.
  • EvaluationTypeCode: a code specifying whether the criterion is of type fail/pass, weight in, or any other.

  • EvaluationWeightTypeCode: a code representing possibly a percentage, a formula returning a weight or whatever other solution specifying a relative weight the CA may come up with when evaluating this criterion.
  • EvaluationInformation: a text field to describe any particular circumstance around the weighting of the criterion or a specific aspect of the application of the general weighting methodology to this particular criterion.







oriol (not verified) Fri, 18/11/2016 - 17:42

The ESPD model is still not finalized so it is not yet stable. The changes in the model cater for a whole new functionality that has never been analyzed within our group and it would require changes in many parts of the standard, from the requirements down to the examples. 

This means that the suggested resolution is to postpone the adoption of these new fields for a future release of the CCCEV.