In my opinion the fulfillment of a criterion or a group of criteria as a whole is performed by some individual
We state "X fulfills all these eligibility criteria"
The evidences can support the statement S: "X fulfills all these eligibility criteria"
In order to support the statement the evidences must be referred to X, they must have X as subject.
In our model the subject of an evidence is missing.
And the subject that meets the criteria is missing as well.
Moreover, we state that a criterion may have a weight, but this weight is related to a group of criteria.
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Our model only addresses Criterion and Evidences, and parties defining criteria or parties providing evidences have never been part of the model. We postpone for a future version of the standard the need to add these classes into the CCCEV Core Vocabulary.
It seems to me that the subject of an evidence is expressed in the model by the relation "belongs-to" between Evidence and Agent. Also, the fulfillment of criteria is expressed by the relation "satisfies" between Agent and Criterion.
The problem concerning weight is more delicate, since not only a weight may be relative to a group of criteria, but in general the same criterion may appear in different formal frameworks with different weights.
Suggestion: delete the weight attribute from Criterion.