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Add dct:contributor to Dataset

Published on: 29/08/2015 Discussion Archived

New association proposal (dct:contributor to dcat:Dataset).

Dataset contributor as a person or an organisation who, in addition to the creator, has contributed significantly in the production of dataset. In research, these kind of efforts and participation are important to note as they are seen as a research merit.


This issue has been reported by Pirjo-Leena Forsström:






Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 24/09/2015 - 10:14

Analysis: Taking these three together, it should be noted that the current DCAT-AP only allows expression of two roles, creator/authority and publisher.

See also discussion on Agent roles for GeoDCAT .

The decision taken in the GeoDCAT Working Group is that the basic profile only contains the two properties dct:creator and dct:publisher, and that an extended profile includes a mechanism based on the PROV ontology in which the role is expressed using the INSPIRE type vocabulary. Please note that dcat:contactPoint is not an Agent role; it is a mechanism to provide contact information.

Proposal: Add a section about Agent roles to explain that (a) the basic profile only allows the expression of those two roles which is a minimum requirement to ensure cross-domain interoperability and (b) in line with the approach decided by the GeoDCAT group, domain-specific extensions can use a PROV-based mechanism with the use of a domain-specific role vocabulary like the ones defined for INSPIRE, DataCite and MARC (, described at


Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/05/2016 - 11:38