GEISER (Integrated Management of Registration Services) is a comprehensive registry solution that works in cloud mode to provide the service for any public body, which covers both the management of its entry / exit registry offices and the receipt and sending of records in the processing units destined to the documentation. The application allows the digitization of documentation submitted by the citizen in the offices, and having SICRES 3.0 certification makes it possible to exchange records in electronic format with other organisms connected to the SIR platform. GEISER allows for the digitisation of the physical documents submitted by citizens in offices and the exchange of electronic records under SICRES 3.0 certification with bodies connected to the SIR platform. GEISER can be provided as a cloud service to any public body requesting it.
The GEISER registration service is the main part of the Shared Registry Management Service.
The GEISER service is currently mandatory for all AGE and its public bodies. The Executive Committee of the ICT Strategy Committee may authorize the exception to those units that have specific operational registry solutions and provide functionalities equivalent or superior to those of the shared service when they justify that the cost structure of their solution, the costs of migration to the shared solution and the specific requirements and integration with its architecture advise the maintenance of the specific solution, as well as when there are evidences of incapacity of the common service to implement specific functionalities that are identified as essential for the Management of the Organism. In all cases, without any exception, the integration with the SIR of the specific solutions will be mandatory according to the National Interoperability Scheme, ENI and to the legal requirements contemplated in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations (
The incorporation of an entity into the system can be carried out immediately since the GEISER system, developed by the SGAD, is now in place and satisfies the requirements of this comprehensive registry solution and is fully operational.
However, any organization that joins the service must adapt its human resources (training of users), materials (installation of scanners in user desks) and technical (integration with sectoral applications, if applicable).
GEISER is a comprehensive registry solution suitable for any public body, provided in cloud mode and provides the services of Electronic Registration, Face Registration, Exchange of Internal and External Registers (through the platform of the System of Interconnection of Records, SIR).
Its main characteristics are:
- Use in service mode (cloud based).
- It only requires internet connection from the SARA Network, digital certificate and scanner.
- It has its own log book, which is used both for the registration of the seats themselves and those that are destined for other Administrations (through the SIR platform).
- It has web services that allow the use of GEISER information by other systems or applications.
- It allows the distribution of the registration seats to the processing units.
- Currently it is offered in the scope of State Administration by agreement (other administrations that are interested in GEISER can contact )
The GEISER application fulfils all the management needs of the documentation presented by the citizens in the public registration offices of the administrations, as well as the registration needs of the electronic headquarters. Processing units served by GEISER activated offices might receive and dispatch records between them.
GEISER ensures the suppression of the movement of paper by digitizing the documentation presented by the citizen in the offices in compliance with the National Interoperability Scheme, electronic records exchange with all administrations integrated in SIR, and integration with the applications of processing for the exchange of seats and documentation, as well as the legal requirements contemplated in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations ( ? id = BOE-A-2015-10565).
In the registration offices, GEISER manages the log books of entry / exit, allowing both the traditional management on paper and the digitization of the documentation presented, complying with the Technical Norms of Interoperability and with full legal guarantee.
GEISER allows the exchange with other organizations integrated in the SIR platform by having the SICRES 3.0 certification, as well as managing the exchange of physical documentation with any unit of the different Public Administrations.
In the processing units, GEISER manages all its exchanges of documentation in both physical and electronic format:
- Receipt of documentation from the registration office.
- Creation of official departures to other organisms (allowing their transmission in electronic format via SIR for those integrated organisms) or citizens.
- Exchange with other processing units of the organism.
GEISER is currently the corporate tool for managing registration in 89 registration offices with more than 1,000 processing units of MINHAFP (Central Services, Secretary of State for Public Administration, SEAP and Government Delegations and Subdelegations. Employment and Social Security, the General Directorate of Traffic, the National Institute of Public Administration, the Official State Gazette, the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, the Agency for Evaluation and Quality of Services, the Transparency and Good Governance Council Government, the State Mobile Park, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, the Underground Laboratory of Canfranc, the University of Zaragoza and soon the Ministries of: Industry, Energy and Tourism, Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Justice and Public Service of State Employment and the General Mutuality of Civil Servants of the State, the Economic Court A the Central Library, the National Library and the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research.
The GESIER service offers the following functionalities in the registration offices:
- Registration of entries in the official register, allowing the digitization of the documentation submitted by the citizen.
- Referral of documentation to the processing units.
- Exchange with other registration offices through the SIR platform.
- Management of rejections and re-entries of seats.
- Validation of exit seats issued by the processing units.
- Management of shipments of physical documentation.
- Log book management: copy templates, listings, searches, editing, etc.
The following functionalities in the processing units:
- Receipt of documentation sent by the registration office, with possibility of rejection and re-sending.
- Referral of seats to sub-units dependent on the unit itself.
- Exchange of records with other processing units.
- Generation of official exit seats, both to agencies (with the possibility of electronic format for those integrated in the System of Interconnection of Registries, SIR) and citizens.
- Management of own sub-units.
- Management of an internal entry / exit record.
- Management of the phone calls of the unit holder.
- Management of the physical file of the unit.
And the following functionalities in web services:
- Consolidation mode: In this mode, you can register Entry or Exit entries, using the Register Register Service WebService operation. Only the FINISHED state is allowed.
- Receiving Mode: In this mode the Target Organ can confirm or reject a seat to its assigned Office. This will use the operations Confirm or Reject Seat of the web service RegistroWebService.
- Query Mode: the seats can be consulted through the Query and Search operations of the WebService Registry.
- More information:
Responsible Organisms
Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública
Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública
Secretaría General de Administración Digital
Intended Audience
Aggregations of local entities
General State Administration
Large town councils
Autonomous Communities
How to use
Network service for end-users