AutenticA is an authentication service, Single Sign On and authorization of civil servants, for internal applications of public administrations, It has a horizontal repository of users from primary sources. AutenticA provides attributes of users, such as the unit and the position.
AutenticA offers authentication services, Single Sign On and authorization, of civil servants of public administrations, and related users, in the access to internal applications. Its objective is to become the common shared reference service within the public administrations, for internal applications.
Authenticates has a horizontal repository of users from primary sources of high quality or from a structure of co-responsible delegated administrators. The service provides attributes of the authenticated users related to the unit and the destination post, including email and telephone.
The user authorization functionality is optional per application and allows you to manage the specific roles that a user can assume in accessing that application.
Supports authentication means based on digital certificates as well as user - password. It is integrated with Cl@ve to accept also concerted keys.
Autentica is integrated with the Common Directory of Organic Units and Offices - DIR3.
Responsible Organisms
Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública
Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública
Secretaría General de Administración Digital
Intended Audience
Any Public Administration
How to use
Network service for end-users
Network service integrable in customers applications