The Vice-Chancellors’ Conference of Spanish Universities (CRUE) developed a suggested model for the Electronic Diploma Supplement (e-DS) focusing on internationalisation and adaptation to the National Interoperability Framework, in an effort to promote standardisation and exchange of academic data.
The Electronic Diploma Supplement (e-DS) offers European university graduates the possibility to enjoy a series of benefits in terms of academic or professional mobility by adding a document about the level and content of their studies at a given university to their degrees.
Although guidelines for this document are available from the European Commission and every country has its own regulatory developments, there is no specific electronic format to deal with the information in the supplement automatically or to issue or reuse the supplement electronically.
In order to bridge this gap, the Vice-Chancellors’ Conference of Spanish Universities (CRUE) developed a suggested model. Its mains goals are:
• To favour interoperability and the automatic interpretation of SET-e information among Spanish and international organisations.
• To facilitate the printing of SET-e on predefined style sheets.
• To set forth full expandable specifications to meet internal national regulatory needs and to be used as a reference format at the European level.
• To create administrative e-documents with full legal validity.
Responsible Organisms
Intended Audience
Any Public Administration