Recommended measures for central bodies | ![]()
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The below list represents a set of supporting instruments grouped for your convenience.
You are invited to suggest new instruments that could be of interest for the Sharing and Reuse Framework. Please contact the European Commission - ISA Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations DG Informatics (DIGIT).
1. Enhance cross-organisation coordination
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission provides a number of IT governance models in two key documents: The Business models for sharing and reuse [3] and the Governance Models for sharing and reuse of IT Solutions. [7] |
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has developed Guidelines and templates for agreements between public administrations to be used when sharing and reusing IT solutions. [8] |
3. Adopt business models that facilitate sharing and reuse
Supporting instrument |
A list of successful business models is available on the platform and includes, among others, shared development of IT solutions by the European Commission. [3] |
4. Promote legal certainty
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has developed Guidelines and Templates for Agreements between public administrations [9] to support administrations working on collaborative IT projects. |
Supporting instrument |
The European Union Public Licence (EUPL) is the first European free/open source software (F/OSS) licence that makes it possible for software to be freely used, modified, and shared. [12] |
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission offers an online licence wizard to help administrations find the most appropriate licence to distribute their work and identify potential licence incompatibilities early on. [14] |
5. Procure IT solutions in a transparent and open way
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has developed The Guide: Using standards for ICT procurement to help procurement officials, IT managers, strategists and architects within public organisations, and policy makers at central government level, to use standards and other technical specifications in the procurement of IT. [22] |
Supporting instrument |
The EU Catalogue of ICT standards for procurement, currently under development by the European Commission, aims to encourage public procurers to mention ICT standards and specifications in their calls for proposals. An EU-level catalogue will streamline the use of different specifications, reduce complexity and eliminate redundancies. |
Supporting instrument |
The Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS) helps public administrations to assess specifications and identify those that fit to their specific needs. The CAMSS catalogue on Joinup allows administrations to share and reuse these assessments. [24] |
Supporting instrument |
The ‘Standard Sharing and Reusing Clauses for Contracts’ is a document that includes standard clauses for contracts, which public administrations can use for clauses that refer to developing reusable solutions and to reusing already existing ones. [26] |
Supporting instrument |
The Guideline on Public Procurement of Open Source Software explains how public administrations can acquire open source solutions and why they should. [19] |
Supporting instrument |
GitHub is an online community of 15 million people and a web-based Git repository hosting service. It hosts more than 38 million projects. |
6. Document, share and reuse common solution building blocks
Supporting instrument |
The European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA) defines the most important architecture building blocks needed to develop, assess and communicate about interoperable solutions for digital public services. [13] |
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has included the notion of the ‘digital check’ in a Toolbox (tool No. 23 on ‘ICT assessment, the digital economy and society’) that supports the Impact Assessment process of new or revised EU legislation. [21] |
Supporting instrument |
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) provides building blocks that offer basic capabilities to be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders. [17] |
7. Enhance your IT solution’s technical readiness
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has developed the Reusability Guideline and Checklists to help public administrations assess the reusability of IT solutions. [23] |
8. Increase visibility of and trust in available IT solutions
Supporting instrument | is a European platform that allows public administrations to: access solutions published in a central catalogue; share experiences and good practices; and work together in a collaborative way. [16] |
Supporting instrument |
ADMS-AP is an example of a standard way of describing IT solutions included in registries/catalogues. [6] |
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has developed the Reusability Guideline and Checklists to help public administrations assess the reusability of IT solutions. [23] |
9. Take into account the multilingual EU environment when developing IT solutions
Supporting instrument |
There are several guidelines available on internationalisation principles. An example of such a guideline is W3C’s Internationalisation (i18n) Activity. [25] |
Supporting instrument |
The European Commission has developed the CEF Automated Translation [18], a machine translation service that can be accessed over a secure internet connection and used by any European public administration |