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ADMS.F/OSS Conceptual Model

Portal Admin
Published on: 07/02/2012 Document Archived

This document was used for discussion in the Working Group and is no longer maintained.

Go to the release section ( to download the latest version of ADMS.SW.

Revised 13/3/12

This version proposes a radical departure from the previous one and includes a number of key fatures:

  1. It does not attempt to fit ADMS.F/OSS onto the whole of ADMS. Rather, we've taken the common elements of ADMS, ADMS.F/OSS and DCAT and created a core vocabulary called RADion (Repository, Asset, Distribution). By doing this we no longer have to try and make sense of relationships and classes that are not relevant to our work here.
  2. It makes it a lot easier to include DOAP. The fit is still not perfect but it's a lot better. The issue with DOAP is that it treats the software and the project that creates it as one and the same thing. An early decision by this ADMS.F/OSS WG was to separate these two and that remains a point of conflict. For example, in the DOAP model, a project has a programming language whereas if you separate out the software then of course it's the latter that has a programming language. The suggestion here is that publishers see ADMS.F/OSS as a profile and extension of DOAP. In other words, we can recommend that people use particular DOAP elements of ADMS.F/OSS and, in consuming software, look for those elements. However, publishers are, of course, free to include extra data as they see fit. So, for example, they may give the programming language of both the Project and the Software Asset - no harm done.
  3. Last but not least - this is a lot simpler!

Revised 28/2/12

Following Elena's comments on the mailing list this morning, here's a revised version. The metrics etc. now all relate to the Software Asset but there is an optional relationship between the each of the metrics and Assessment classes and a Distribution.

An example (Turtle)

@prefix adms: <> .
@prefix admsf: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd:  <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix sioc: <> .
@prefix wdrs: <> .
@base <http://forge.example/> .

<http://forge.example/project/httpd> a foaf:Project ;
  admsf:product <> ;
  foaf:homepage <> ;
  dcterms:title "Apache HTTP Server Project"@en ;
  dcterms:description "The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards."@en ;
  sioc:forum <> ;
  wdrs:logo <> .

<> a admsf:SoftwareAsset ;
  dcterms:title "Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22 (httpd)"@en ;
  adms:version "2.2.22" ;
  dcterms:created "2012-01-31"^^xsd:date ;
  admsf:os <> ;
  admsf:os <> ;
  adms:function [skos:notation "Web Tools"@en ; adms:id <admsf:WebTools> ] ;
  adms:release <> ;
  adms:release <> .

<> a adms:Distribution ;
  dcterms:title "Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22 (httpd) Unix Source"@en ;
  dcat:accessURL <> .

Revised 27/2/12

This latest revision includes the major change discussed last week which is to relate several classes to the distribution, not the Software Asset (and one or two updates to ADMS itself). The difference in presentation is far greater than the difference in substance!

Revised Model 21/2/12


Revised Model 14/2/12

This model is a revision of the one below and has the following changes:


  • 'Participant' is now 'Participating Organisation' with a new relationship from the funding source.
  • The proposed use of an XML report to cover quality assurance has been dropped in favour of a Class with properties.


Revised Model 7/2/12

The model below attempts to capture the discussion held on 31/1 and 7/2 plus the issues raised. Keyfeatures:

  • Separation of asset and project. This means either
    1. not using DOAP at all;
    2. using DOAP terms regardless of its domain and range restrictions.
  • As a sub class of Semantic Asset, a Software Asset has all the same properties including documentation and release. A subset of the ADMS classes and properties are shown in the diagram and shown in light brown. The classes coloured light blue are the ones specific to ADMS.F/OSS.
  • I've suggested that the quality control information is provided as a literal but this would be something like a report, probably as a result of a formal process such as QSOS, which is an XML document - that's consistent with this model.

I'm sure there's more to add to this but comments are very welcome!

Original Model 31/1/12

This section describes a conceptual model to represent software description metadata, without being too much biased by implementation langauges. In the context of federation of repositories of software assets (for e-Government and in general), a number of concepts are relevant. The primary concepts to be described by ADMS.F/OSS could be the following:

  • A Repository is a system or service that provides facilities for storage and maintenance of descriptions of Assets and Releases, and functionality that allows users to search and access these descriptions. A Repository will typically contain descriptions of several assets and related releases (source: ADMS Specification v0.8).
  • A Project represents a temporary undertaking by a group of people who produce a set of assets to achieve a desired objective and goal.
  • An Asset represents the conceptual content of a resource, in particular of an Interoperability Asset as defined in section 1.2 (for example a specification, code list, metadata schema, a register of organisations etc.). A particular Asset may have zero or more Releases in different formats (source: ADMS Specification v0.8).
  • A  Release is a particular representation or concretisation of an Asset in the form of a downloadable computer file that implements the intellectual content of an Asset. A particular Release is associated with one Asset (source: ADMS Specification v0.8).
  • A Software Asset:

Nature of documentation: Technical report


Type of document
European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 (EUPL)