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Attribution clauses

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 22/12/2016 Discussion

DcDCAT-AP provides a way for Distributions to specify the license, but many (most) open data licenses include an "attribution" clause (for instance, CC-BY and the Flemish license for free re-use). It is currently not possible to specify how attribution should be done.

Some work has been done in this field:

Further relevant work is done by


In the case of the Flemish licenses, it is important to allow publishers to specify a textual (Literal) description of the attribution. The nearest fit to this requirement seems to be ODRS' attributionText.






Makx DEKKERS Wed, 04/01/2017 - 11:47

It looks like the ODRS approach is closest to this requirement as it allows both a text field and a link to a further information about the licence: "a reference to the dataset or publisher homepage, but may also be a dedicated attribution page”. There is also a useful guide with examples for the use of ODRS at

The Creative Commons approach only provides a field for a URL to be "used when attributing re-use" and no text field for the description of the licence.

The work of concentrates more narrowly on expression of copyright.

We would welcome further comments and suggestions.