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Call for Tenders: GovTech Platform

GovTech Platform - Call for Tenders

Published on: 25/05/2022 Last update: 03/06/2022 News
GovTech Platform

After the closure of the GovTech Incubator call  part of the DIGITAL programme, the European Commission launches a call for tenders (CNECT/LUX/2021/OP/0053) to contract a consortium for Fostering digitisation of public sector and green transition in Europe through the use of an innovative European GovTech platform

This pilot project aims to support public administrations in the adoption of cost-effective and flexible digital solutions by introducing the GovTech ecosystem to the European public sector.


This project will complement the activities of the GovTech Incubator and will engage further with the larger GovTech community to contribute and will be scaling up the GovTech platform model, already used in different forms by GovTech Labs around Europe, public administrations across Europe can work together more easily to solve shared challenges and more cost-effectively to adapt existing projects to their individual needs. The use of the GovTech model across the EU will offer benefits of scale to both public administrations and providers of digital services. Such providers, in particular innovative European SMEs and start-ups, will gain recognition as trusted partners in the delivery of modern digital solutions for public services. Together with the GovTech Incubator this project will boost  the European GovTech market and help public administrations access tailor-made digital solutions, thus fostering modernisation of Europe’s public sector.


The technical specifications are available online and provide extensive details including the selection and award criteria.



The deadline of this call is on Monday 29 June 2022 at 16:00 CET.