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Competences and governance practices for artificial intelligence in the public sector

A PSTW report

Published on: 25/11/2024 Document
Competences and governance practices for artificial intelligence in the public sector




Year: 2024

Corporate author(s):  Joint Research Center (European Commission)

Personal author(s): MEDAGLIA Rony; MIKALEF Patrick; TANGI Luca

The diffusion of artificial intelligence (AI) in the public sector depends largely on ensuring the presence of appropriate competences and establishing appropriate governance practices to deploy solutions. This report builds on a synthesis of empirical research, grey and policy literature, on an expert workshop and on interviews from seven case studies of European public organisations to identify the competences and governance practices around AI required to enable value generation in the public sector. Based on the analysis, we present a comprehensive framework for relevant competences and a framework for the governance practices for AI in the public sector. The report also introduces six recommendations to be implemented through 18 actions to facilitate the development of the competences and governance practices needed for AI in the public sector in Europe.
Access the full report below.


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Last update: 01/10/2024

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