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This page contains various reports which provide information and good practices on the use, development, maintenance, and procurement of open source software by public administrations, as well as the creation of and contribution to public sector-led open source communities.

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Covid report


Report on the role of open source in the digital response to COVID-19 in the EU

Year: 2021

Authors: Federico Chiarelli, Debora Di Giacomo, Chloé Dussutour, Ghita Ennadif, Débora Lopes Gonçalves

The crisis created new challenges for the public sector, with 19 EU Member States reporting a disruption in the provision of public services during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure continuity, European public administrations relied on digital solutions to deliver their services remotely.

This report explores the role of OSS in the digital response to COVID-19 across the EU, focusing on good practices and successful reuse cases of OSS in the health and education sectors.

Consult the report.