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OSOR webinar – Public administrations & OSS communities: key aspects for successful collaboration

Published on: 31/05/2021 Event Archived

OSOR is very happy to invite you to its second webinar of the series focusing on the collaboration between public administrations and open source communities.

Join us on 9 June to hear from two speakers about their insights and experiences regarding the collaboration between public administrations and OSS communities. We will explore the good practices to ensure a successful collaboration, identify potential challenges and solutions to overcome them.

Cristina Moga

  Co-founder of CivicTech România and Citizen Next, Cristina Moga is involved in the creation of the digital future of Romania. Through CivicTech Romania and Citizen Next, she gives back to the Romanian society by building open source projects for public institutions, social entrepreneurs and the civil society.

Cristina was one of the 20 IT specialists fellows recruited by the Romanian government in the frame of the GovITHub programme where she has worked, alongside the other experts and a community of volunteers, with civil servants and decision makers from several public institutions in order to analyse, propose and implement software solutions aimed at modernising public services, making public service more effective, more transparent and more reliable for Romanian citizens.

Cristina will share insights on the OSS ecosystem in Romania, the collaboration between Citizen Next and the public sector, and good practices implemented in Citizen Next’s OSS projects in partnership with public administrations.

 Arnau Monterde is leading the Directorate of Democratic Innovation at the Barcelona City Council. Co-founder of the Decidim project, he is also the coordinator of Metadecidim, the community around the Decidim software.

He has also promoted the Ateneu of Democratic Innovation in Barcelona, a Laboratory for research and action on democracy and technology. He studies emerging forms of political participation and democracy in the network society and holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society from the Open University of Catalunya.

Arnau will share best practices stemming from his experience with the Decidim association regarding the collaboration with the public sector, the integration of public administrations and community members in Decidim's governance model, and the active contribution of the City of Barcelona to OSS communities.

Arnau Monterde


The webinar will take place on 9 June 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET.


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