Welcome to the Data Protection Repository[1] (hereinafter, PANELFIT Repository), a practical guide and tool to help with the searching of personal data information within the European Union (EU) context. There is no doubt that the technical evolution in the ICT field and its impact on the protection of human rights has led to changes in the EU legal framework. The European legislator and EU Member States are adopting many new regulations and decisions regarding data protection. The main objective of the PANELFIT Repository is to provide a useful content on all information and outcomes that may arise when working with personal data protection at the EU level. To this extent, the PANELFIT Repository tries to be a useful open access tool for data research, directly accessible to as many members of the public as possible with regard to sharing knowledge and contributing to the discussion on the current topics related to Data protection among researchers, policy makers, stakeholders, professionals and the general public. The PANELFIT Repository is structured chronologically and/or by topics. The objective is to find information of interest provided by different sources as quickly as possible. It must be highlighted that the PANELFIT Repository will be updated regularly and will offer all the current publicly available documents regarding the existing and coming EU data protection law, policies and rules. Updates will hopefully become available in the future on this platform.
With regard to the objectives and outcomes of the PANELFIT project, this repository is organized into the following three major categories:
- Data Protection legal framework in a nutshell
- EU Data Protection Law in progress (Privacy and Electronic Communications, Artificial Intelligence Act, Data Governance Act)
- Data Protection in technologies (Internet of Things, Location and proximity data, Biometrics, Social Networks and Health)
This category focus on the legal framework regarding data protection at European level. To this extent, you can find the links that will lead you to the current Data Protection regulations (hard law, law in progress) at the EU level and in the EU Member States (Law and DPA decisions). Moreover, regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive, on the one hand, the documents (opinions, statements, recommendations, etc.) adopted by the EDPB and Article 29 Working party could be consulted. On the other hand, the case law CJEU and ECHR case law can also be consulted. In this regard, the PANELFIT Repository provides CJEU and ECHR case law (no pending case law). The CJEU judgments (no General Advocate opinions and other related information) and ECHR cases are organized by the different topics regarding Data Protection. In addition, in this category, different documents provided by stakeholders regarding GDPR can also be found.
- EU DATA PROTECTION LAW IN PROGRESS (Privacy and Electronic Communications, Artificial Intelligence Act, Data Governance Act)
Firstly, this category includes the documents regarding EU Data Protection Law in progress issued by the EU Institutions (European Commission, Council of the EU, European Parliament, EDPB, Article 29 Working party). Secondly, the CJEU and ECHR case law can be consulted. Thirdly, this category provides as well opinions of researchers regarding this topic in the section entitled Academia. Regarding research papers (2017-ongoing), it must be highlighted that the open access articles can be found directly through the link and others require registration. Lastly, documents of different Stakeholders can be found.
- DATA PROTECTION IN TECHNOLOGIES (Internet of Things, Location and proximity data, Biometrics, Social Networks, AI in a Healthcare, AI in security, AI in law)
This category covers the information sources, case law, research papers and other relevant material due to the data protection law in specific technologies, structured with the same format as the previous category. Therefore, EU Institutions (European Commission, Council of the EU, European Parliament, EDPB, Article 29 Working party), the CJEU and ECHR case law, research papers (2017-ongoing) and Stakeholders documents can be consulted in this section.
[1] This repository is brought to you by Panelfit, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, grant agreement N. 788039.