The Administration of Justice in Spain has promoted an ambitious program of comprehensive reform of Justice using IT. The strategic lines promoted are to achieve a Digital Justice that allows electronic management; to intensify the electronic procedural communications; to put into operation a more efficient work station that favors mobility; to update the technological architecture to offer support to the activity and guarantee its future evolution with the appropriate levels of security; and to establish working methodologies to facilitate the adaptation of personnel to the new functionalities.
These actions are regulated and supported by the current legislation, which establishes obligations and strict timetables for legal operators and administrations responsible for providing the necessary resources (Law 18/2011 regulating the use of IT in the Administration of Justice, Law 42/2015, of 5 October, amending Law 1/2000, of 7 January, on Civil Procedure and Royal Decree 1065/2015, of 27 November, on electronic communications in the Administration of Justice within the territorial scope of the Ministry of Justice and regulating the LexNET system).
Digital Justice provides the electronic procedural management of the judicial proceedings to the Judicial Bodies and the Public Prosecutors, as well as the implementation of new working methodologies that improve the process efficiency.
The architecture of the solution is composed of a set of modules that, due to interoperability with the Procedural Management System, allows the electronic processing of data and the electronic judicial documents to the Judicial Bodies and the Public Prosecutors. The communications (lawsuits, briefs, notifications and administrative records) and the signing, viewing and consultation of documents are entirely digital so that the process is paperless and greater guarantees are given to all legal acts. The modules that integrate Digital Justice are:
- LexNET: An electronic communications system that allows both the presentation of prosecutor’s decisions and documents by prosecutors and other legal operators, who collaborate with the Administration of Justice, and the sending of communication acts by the Judicial Bodies.
- Electronic Administrative File Loader System: Allows the transfer of documents and administrative files by the Public Administrations to the Judicial Bodies.
- Electronic signature holder: Offers the functionality of electronic signature required by different legal proceedings.
- Electronic Judicial Files Viewer Horus: Allows to consult the information from electronic judicial files.
- Wasmin: Platform of services that allows communications with external systems, electronic relocations of judicial affairs between Judicial Bodies or the downloading of administrative files.
- Minerva: Procedural management system that supports the electronic processing of information relating to judicial procedures in the Judicial Bodies.
- Fortuny: Management system that supports the processing of information relating to proceedings electronically in the Public Prosecutor's Office.
The existing collaboration between the Ministry of Justice and the Autonomous Community of La Rioja built upon a shared desire to build a homogeneous Administration of Justice and under the premise of joining forces and sharing resources. Such existing collaboration between the Ministry of Justice and the Autonomous Community of La Rioja has been formalized in order to ensure the compatibility and integration of the systems and applications of the Administration of Justice and the Prosecutor's Offices.
All this contributes to the achievement of a modern, efficient justice system, accessible at any time and place, with agile and fast procedures, which guarantees the right of citizens to a high-quality public service.