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MidPoint’s Simulations: A Peek into the Future with IGA

Better Safe Than Sorry

Published on: 13/07/2023 News

When it comes to identity governance and administration, making complex system changes can be very stressful. A mistake can bring unnecessary risks, and cause non-compliance with policies that can cripple the whole organization. MidPoint 4.7 comes with a solution: the simulations.

Deploying an identity governance and administration (IGA) system can be accompanied by various stressful and frustrating situations. In April, Evolveum published the 45th release of midPoint, the leading open source identity governance and administration platform, code-named Johnson, that brought numerous innovative IGA functionalities. One of them is simulations.

Even if it brings many benefits such as helping with automation, compliance, risk management, and also cleaning data and processes, the identity governance and administration journey can be painful as too many things can go wrong. Simulations make it simple and straightforward: organizations will see exactly what’s going to happen and have the power to decide if they want it to happen.

Bad data quality and insufficient knowledge of processes can very easily end up with “garbage in, garbage out” situation. An incorrectly applied rule rule can revoke user accesses to applications. Simulations enable organizations to swiftly see how good their configurations and data are.

One of the motivations for implementing an identity governance and administration platform is the synchronization of accesses among multiple systems. One can never be sure that a system always has correct data. Before running a synchronization with persistent effect, it is now possible to simulate it. The result of the simulation will show if there is different information about objects and about changes being executed. Organizations can therefore avoid removing accesses accidentally, if there are mistakes in a system.

Simulations can also help organizations identify users whose accesses to application were revoked, either by removing them from applications or their accounts expired. The simulation result offers details about such users, so it is possible to decide which accounts should really be suspended, and which ones request access prolongation.

Thanks to midPoint 4.7 and the simulations feature, organizations can see what will happen. They will see which attributes will be changed, which permissions will be removed or added to users, how many accounts will be deactivated, how many users won’t be able to login to the systems anymore. Overall, simulations make it possible for organizations to see the future of identities and avoid risks and damage to their system. Learn more about simulations from Evolveum’s development team leader Katarina Bolemant during her talk at the European Identity and Cloud Conference 2023!


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