This free e-learning course and respective learning materials provides a guide on how to design successfully a TSI (Technical Support Instrument) request.
Supra-national authority

This short course provides a step-by-step guide on how to prepare a successful Technical Support Instrument (TSI) request. The course outlines relevant sections, selection criteria as well as good practices on how to design a TSI request and successful project.
The course showcases a request on interoperability as an example but is applicable to all types of requests.
The primary target audience will be a mixture of those with decision-making responsibilities in the area of interoperability application and implementation, and those with hands-on responsibility for designing implementation scenarios and architectures. They include:
- Decision makers and implementors on interoperability matters
- Public administration staff working on capacity building
- Public administration staff working on reforms
Public administration staff designing public services
Course duration: 30 minutes
What are the objectives of this course?
- Understand the TSI and the application process
- Learn how the TSI can support your reform project and the type of assistance it provides
- Gain insights on how to design a successful project
- Understand how to position your project within broader national and EU strategies

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Only facilitators and authors can create content.
Non moderated