This free e-learning course and respective learning materials provides an understanting to IMAPS users in how it can support public administrations in improving their digital public services towards seamless interoperability.
Supra-national authority

This eLearning has for objective to enable current and future IMAPS users to understand what the IMAPS solution is about and how IMAPS can support public administrations in improving their digital public services towards seamless interoperability.
After taking this course, please also consider the course IMAPS in practice to discover how the IMAPS assessment works in practice by introducing a concrete case of a digital public service.
This eLearning has been elaborated to introduce IMAPS to current and future users in public administrations with or without prior knowledge or experience in using IMAPS. The eLearning is also targeting professionals working on or interested in interoperability, administrative simplification or digitalisation of administrative procedures.
Course duration: 30 minutes
At the end of this course, the users are expected to:
- Understand the relevance of IMAPS in the context of the European Interoperability Framework
- Become familiar with the concept of IMAPS and discover use cases for the assessment of the maturity interoperability of digital public services;
- Understand the requirements for the completion of the IMAPS survey for a digital public service
- Get insight into the IMAPS specialisations and their complementarity with IMAPS
- Acquire a basic understanding of IMAPS for being able to take the IMAPS assessment via EU Survey

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Only facilitators and authors can create content.
Non moderated