This free e-learning course and respective learning materials provides an understanding on how to achieve interoperability and avoid vendor lock-in through the Cpmmon Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications.
Supra-national authority
This eLearning course introduces the Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS), an action for assessing standards and specifications and helping its inclusion within eGovernment projects.
The main objective of CAMSS is achieving interoperability and avoiding vendor lock-in by establishing a neutral and unbiased method for the assessment of technical specifications and standards in the field of ICT. This method is compliant with the Regulation 1025/2012 on European Standardisation and the European Interoperability Framework (EIF).
The primary target audience for this course includes:
- IT professionals in public administration
- eGovenment and public sector Project Managers,
- Professionals involved in developing, implementing, or managing eGovernment solutions
- Policymakers
Stakeholders in standardization processes within the EU
Course duration: 30 minutes
At the end of this course you wil be able to:
- Understand what CAMSS is and why it is important to European interoperability systems
- Identify relevant CAMSS Solutions
- Identify the potential users for CAMSS
- Recognise the different use cases for CAMSS
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Solution type
Only facilitators and authors can create content.
Non moderated