This free e-learning course and respective learning materials provide an understanding of the EUPL and the value it can add to interoperable public services.
Supra-national authority

This course will provide a background to the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) and the value it can add to interoperable public services. It will provide a recap on the nature and history of the European Union Public Licence: why the EUPL was created, the additional provisions and features that make the EUPL specific and the EUPL scope in relation to how software can be distributed.
The course is targeting primarily those with decision-making responsibilities in relation to open software licensing and in particular the EUPL, and those with responsibility for implementing those licenses, as well as professionals involved in the development of public services and/or contributing to/leveraging open-source projects.
- Course duration: 20 minutes
What are the objectives of this course?
- Understand why the EUPL has been created
- Describe the additional provisions and features that make the EUPL specific
- Understand the EUPL scope in relation to software distribution
- Apply the notions of Reciprocity, Interoperability and Compatibility within the framework of the EUPL
- Situate the EUPL in the wider context of available open-source licences
- Understand the role of the licensor
- Assess EUPL licensing when your project includes multiple components
- Identify cases where a different licence may be preferable
- Identify supporting resources
- Know which acknowledgements in the source code are most appropriate

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Only facilitators and authors can create content.
Non moderated