This free e-learning course and respective learning materials provides an understanding on moving foward with data literacy and developing data analytics pilots.
Supra-national authority
The main objective of the Big Data Testing Infrastructure (BDTI) eLearning course is to support EU public administrations in moving forward with data literacy and developing data analytics pilots, free of charge, using the open source tools offered by the BDTI infrastructure.
BDTI is part of the Data Spaces support center initiative.
This course targets local, regional and national public administrations interested in exploring how to use a free modern data analytics infrastructure offered by the European Commission, to derive insights from public sector data and support the development of pilots and use cases. It also has resonance for broader roles and sectors that have in an interest in data. Roles may include:
- CIOs
- Public servants
- Academics
- Professionals with an interest in the potential of data
- Students
Data experts/enthusiasts supporting the public sector in exploring how to derive insights from data
Course duration: 30 minutes
What are the objectives of this course?
- Promote the use of data analytics and open-source tools in the public sector due to their various benefits, from transparency to cost efficiency to vendor independence.
- Support the development of a data-informed public sector and learn more about how to derive insights from public sector data and open data.
- Develop concrete use cases and pilots for free to support your public administration and citizens
- Develop data skills and improve data literacy in your organization.
- Apply for the programme submitting pilot use cases and start creating value using the BDTI platform offered by the Digital Europe Programme (DEP).
- Name the most important EU legal acts, directives and regulations for the EDS Implementation.
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Solution type
Only facilitators and authors can create content.
Non moderated