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OECD Gov2Gov Innovation Incubator: Submit your innovation challenge

OECD Gov2Gov Innovation Incubator

Published on: 13/12/2023 News


To bring a collaborative and transformative leap in overcoming innovation obstacles, the OECD is launching a Government-to-Government (Gov2Gov) Innovation Incubator from October 2024 to March 2025. Supported by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, the incubator will provide a safe space for government teams to come together across borders. Under the auspice of an Advisory Board and panel of OECD experts, teams will share challenges and lessons learned, and think collectively and creatively about potential solution.

Two consecutive calls for application take place to operationalise the Gov2Gov Incubator. The first call, targets applications from governments with innovation challenges (“challenge owners”). A carefully reviewed and curated list of challenges will subsequently feed into the second call for applications, issued to governments with practical experience in overcoming a comparable challenge (“solution providers”). These teams will share their experiences in leading innovation and bring visibility to their initiatives. With the support of an Advisory Board, government challenge owners and solution providers will be matched to participate in the Gov2Gov Incubator’s structured problem-solving exchange.

If you are a public sector official with an innovation challenge at hand, then this is for you. Submit your team and innovation challenge the Gov2Gov incubator form (you can find the link here) by 14 January 2023.

You can find more information here: